Categories: Business

Woman Complains Online About How Hard It Is To Survive On Her Salary, Drama Ensues When Boss Sees It

As we all know, working in every sector has some challenges that employees have to face. There is no doubt that customer service work is different. Let’s take, for example, the deli staff. The people working there should do their best to provide the best assistance to customers, but let’s not forget that their responsibilities are not limited to smiling and chatting with people. They have a list of difficult tasks, starting with managing the deli counter, placing orders for the next day, tracking inventory, stocking shelves, and more. These workers form the backbone of the food retail sector, playing an important role in our daily lives. The problem is that they are often not appreciated by their employers and are underpaid for their hard work.

Nowadays, social media platforms serve as places for sharing our personal experiences and voicing concerns. Reddit user u/Jacq1987 decided to share his story with the r/antiwork community. The woman, who recently quit her job at a local grocery store deli, expressed her frustration about the difficulties of living on a meager salary while being a single mother.

Deli staff are often underappreciated by their employers and underpaid for their hard work

Image credits: Lazy_Bear (not the actual photo)

A netizen decided to share his story with the Reddit community

Image credits: Prostock-studio (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Jacq1987

The situation described in the Reddit post was just the last straw for the OP to make a decision about quitting her job

Bored Panda reached out to u/Jacq1987 to learn more details about his story. We asked the netizen what prompted him to share his story on Reddit. We also wonder if the OP expected her post to get such attention. The woman shared with us, “I was a little overwhelmed by the response it got. I mostly post it here as a way to vent and to see if anyone else has had a similar experience with their manager. I, somehow, expected it to blow up like this.

When asked if there were other factors that contributed to the woman’s decision to quit, u/Jacq1987 told us, “This was the last straw in my decision to quit. I worked for the company for 3 years, and the only reason I made $0.50 above minimum wage was because I was the assistant department head in the meat department with my future ex-husband.” The Reddit member shared with us some personal reasons for his decision to request a department transfer: “We’re separated, and I think it’s best to switch departments. He’s still the department head of the meat department and it’s bigger $2 more than I. Once you go back to part-time, you won’t get any raises.

Image credits: Liza Summer (not the actual photo)

Compensation for hard work seems unfair and it is not enough to cover all the necessary expenses of a single parent.

We found that the first impression of the deli department was not too bad; however, this quickly changed. “The manager of the deli was nice at first, but then I noticed that I was having trouble with things that no one else bothered with, like quitting smoking. I would go out every two hours on an 8- to sometimes 10-hour shift and be told I had too much time off, but other co-workers would go out every hour, and he wouldn’t tell them. Other people who work in the same department as me can just go out of the deli and do something else and not tell anyone where they’re going, and I’ll just wait on the customers. The customers are rude and hateful. I barely make enough money to pay my rent, and my car breaks down, and the repairs cost more than I make in a week, so I have to rely on people to give me rides to work.”

We wonder how other co-workers will react to the woman’s decision to quit her job after the whole situation that happened. u/Jacq1987 summed it up shortly: “I was upset with my manager’s response, and I decided I wasn’t getting paid enough to continue the abuse.” Finally, we asked the Redditor how, in his opinion, employers should respond and respond to employees who express their frustrations online. We were told that “I think companies that don’t pay their employees a living wage but brag about making record profits shouldn’t be in business, and if they get mad at people who know how they treat their employees from a public post, then maybe they should treat their employees better.

Image credits: Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo)

Some Reddit users shared their opinions on the situation in the comments


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